NOTICE: New Rain Date and Times
Due to Rain, the20th Annual at new date and times
2017 Maui Earth Day Festival
Sunday, May 7th, 2017, 11am – 9pm
VFW Beach Venue, Kihei
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1136 Uluniu Road, Kihei
(on beach road behind Azeka Shopping Center, Kihei)
$8 entrance fee, keiki free
Sign up now: Organizations, Vendors, Volunteers & Silent Auction Donations
Notice: The Director of the Parks Dept has denied Earth Day a permit for the usual park location. See discussion and letter below. So this is a last minute change of venue. The show will go on at the VFW in Kihei this year. Please sign the petition below asking for Earth Day to return to the park in 2018.
We ask the Maui Parks Director that the 2018 Maui Earth Day Festival be returned to its historical venue at the Keopuolani Park Amphitheater.
Sign the Petition Here
NOTICE: New Rain Date and Times
Due to Rain, the20th Annual at new date and times
2017 Maui Earth Day Festival
Sunday, May 7th, 2017, 11am – 9pm
VFW Beach Venue, Kihei
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1136 Uluniu Road, Kihei
(on beach road behind Azeka Shopping Center, Kihei)
$8 entrance fee, keiki free
Band | Music | Minutes |
2017 Main Stage Music |
Kahu Alalani Astara & Blue Mountain | 10:50 | 20 |
Prema Love | 11:11 | 40 |
Steven Von Linne & Tropical Spice | 12:00 | 40 |
Monkeys with Drums | 1:00 | 40 |
Dharmy with David Connolly of Dublin | 2:00 | 35 |
Sacred Earth Belly Dance | 2:50 | 10 |
John Grover & the Invasive Species | 3:00 | 30 |
Exergy35 Chi Ribbon Dance | 3:45 | 15 |
Rada & Samba Maui Drummers | 4:00 | 20 |
Joe Marshalla | 4:20 | 20 |
Awaleimoi | 5:00 | 30 |
Heartifacts, part 1 | 6:00 | 20 |
Beltaine May Pole | 6:20 | 20 |
Heartifacts, part 2 | 6:40 | 10 |
Lambsbread | 7:10 | 40 |
Crazy Fingers | 8:10 | 50 |
END | 9:00 | |
2017 Dome Stage Music |
Tyson Esh | 12:00 | 25 |
Ray Adamson, Mr Ray | 12:30 | 25 |
Evan Dove | 1:00 | 25 |
Atreya | 1:30 | 25 |
Mystical Alchemy (Heather & Donnie) | 2:00 | 25 |
Faun Lilly | 2:30 | 35 |
The Universe (Goldawn Won) | 3:15 | 35 |
Manaka | 4:00 | 35 |
Spirit Tribe & MaBliss | 4:45 | 35 |
Brian and Maryl | 5:30 | 35 |
Lucy Morningstar | 6:15 | 35 |
Megan and the Good Vibes | 7:00 | 45 |
Eli Lion Heart and friends | 8:00 | 45 |
END | 9:00 |
Non-Profit Organizations
Aid for Women and Children
Aquarium Trade Info
Bahai Faith
Creativity Sessions
Dept of Water Supply
Go Green Culture Foundation
Green Party of Maui Sunscreen Swap
Hale Kau Kau
Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers
HFUU Farm Aprentice Program
Hospice Maui
Kihei Baptist Church
Lokelani Ohana
Lokelani Ohana
Maui Hemp Institute for Research & Edu
Maui Mama Magazine
Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
MEO AmeriCorps Internships
Nakid Truth
National Marine Sanctuary
No More Corruption
Pueo Family Medicine
School Gardens
SHAKA Movement
Sierra Club
Star Crossed on Maui
Stop Smart Meters Hawaii
Transending the
Vegan Action / Veg Society of Hawaii
Women Within
FOOD Vendors
Acai Bowls
Big Wave Beverage
Crepes D’Amour
Grandpa’s Fruit Only Sorbet
Ion Ways Water Machine
Jini’s Curry- Fiji Indian Food
Matthew coconuts
Maui 8th Wonder Tacos
Maui Coconut Care
Maui Empanadas
Maui Rainbow Tea
Maui Tempeh
Mystic Garden
Star Anise Indian Cuisine
3rd Day Nursery
808 Wellness
Agua Lumbre Y Luna
Akash Khi Mudra Healing
Authentic Natural Healing
Awakening in Paradise
By Papio
Cimone Ortega
Custom Lighting & Design
Drift Wood Art
Exergy 35
Hale Kau Kau
Hand Printed Clothes
Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers
Healing Amulets
Higher Life Healing Arts
Honi Designs Hawaii
Hula Hoops by Nicole
Jamacan/African Jewelry
Jaya Brazilian Activewear
Jewelry by Eloise
Keawe Pipes & purses/bags
Manakai Swimwear
Maui Da Lux
Maui Drift
Maui GMX water treatment
Maui Spider Jumping
Nectar Creations
Psychic Readings & healing
Sa’arah readings and cards
Sacred and Adorned
Sol Jewels
Treasures of Earth & Ocean
Tropical Day Star
White Buffalo Boutique
Make a donation or pay vendor booth fee:
Sign up now:
2) with your ORGANIZATION
1) If you want to make a donation for the SILENT AUCTION, please email to or call or text Bruce at (808) 268-1211.
2) If you represent an Environmental or Social Awareness ORGANIZATION that would like to provide info and education at the event, we want to support and feature what you do. We provide tables and chairs for you and participation is free of charge. To sign up, please email your details to at or call or text Bruce at (808) 268-1211.
3) If you would like to be a FOOD VENDOR at the event please know that we will give preference to food vendors who use organic, non-gmo ingredients and we require the use of only biodegradable cutlery, dishes, cups and containers (no plastic or Styrofoam). For any food vendor reservations please email or call or text Dee (805) 403-5458.
4) If you want to be an ECO VENDOR or CRAFTER at the event, then tell us about your product and service and email us at or call or text Dee at (805) 403-5458.
VENDOR FEE: $25 Vendor fee + 20% of sales at the event (makes Earth Day possible by going towards covering the costs).
5) Blessed are the VOLUNTEERS. Earth Day Festival is coming right up. As usual it is produced and supported by volunteers. We hope that many will come forward to help since it makes it easier and more fun for everyone that way. Even if you have only an hour or two to contribute, we can find a slot on the day of. Or maybe you want to help with set up on Saturday or break down on Monday morning and just party on the day of. To volunteer please email or call or text Satya at 268-2898. Please try to make it to the volunteer meeting.
Thank you very much,
We are sure that together we will have an amazing day of joy and inspiration!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Bruce & Satya Douglas
Directors, Maui Earth Day Festival
Maui Earth Day Festival
Bruce Douglas, director
To: Ka‘ala Buenconsejo
Director of Maui Parks & Recreation Dept.
Re: Permit Denial of the 2017 Maui Earth Day Festival
Dear Ka‘ala Buenconsejo,
I have received your letter stating that you are denying a Special Event Permit for the 20th annual Maui Earth Day Festival, which was to be held on Sunday, April 30th, 2017 at the Keopuolani Park Amphitheater. This is a sad announcement, not just to the Maui citizens who have enjoyed this peaceful festival held in Maui parks for the past 19 years. It is also sad to the 50 plus environmental and social awareness organizations and governmental agencies that use this annual event to showcase their efforts to the public.
The reasons you state in your Letter of Denial clearly do not rise to the level of sufficient cause of a park permit denial (see end of this letter). The Maui Earth Day Festival has a long history of being a fun and peaceful family event that has run without a single significant negative incident for 19 years. Earth Day has been a grand showcase of community cooperation and collaboration. There have been no formal or informal complaints lodged against Earth Day in all these years. We have always worked closely with the Parks Special Events Coordinators and have met every requirement and request. So this denial leaves us completely baffled. Could it be that this denial comes from a political motivation? Could this be a case of discrimination against environmentalist and grass roots activists? Everyone should be treated fairly and equally under the law.
Recently I got the great news via Elle Cochran’s office that the Maui Parks Department is going to work with the non-profit “Beyond Pesticides” to start a pilot program to find alternatives to pesticides for selected parks. I was looking forward to inviting Parks officials to come to the Earth Day stage and share this new program with the Maui citizens. I was inspired by this news. I felt elated that we are now entering a new era of all working together for the betterment of the aina and the people of Maui.
Your 2014 County Council election campaign against Elle Cochran did not leave you in the good graces with the environmental and grassroots community of Maui. The smear campaign against Elle Cochran conducted by the Carpenters Union PAC and the Maui Timeshares PAC on your behalf left a lot of bad taste out in the community. Your post election appointment to Director of Parks by Mayor Arakawa appeared political in many people’s eyes. Now I am in the situation where I am forced to announce to the world that you are the one who is shutting down the 20th annual Maui Earth Day Festival.
I can understand that it is entirely likely that Mayor Arakawa, who got you your job as Parks Director, has put pressure on you to deny Earth Day its annual permit. Now you have a great opportunity to rise above the world of crony politics and do the right thing.
Love is the strongest force in the universe and when we fight against love, we always lose, in the end. It is a mathematical certainty. The people of Maui are rising together in love to end the domination of the “big money interests” and replace them with those who serve the interests of the people, the aina and the future generations, with those who serve love. This is an unstoppable force.
I personally believe that you know that this park permit denial is wrong and unlawful.
Here is our rebuttal to your false allegations of wrong doings from your “Letter of Denial”:
1) Parks: “Your proposed activity, with an anticipated attendance of 800 participants, has grown to exceed safe usage of that facility.”
Earth Day: The number of participants of the Earth Day event has remained steady since Earth Day was moved to Keopuolani Park Amphitheater 7 years ago. Our activities are well within the park’s capacity with no visible residual effects to the park grounds.
2) Parks: “Failure to dispose of trash generated from the event within the time allotted by the issued permit.”
Earth Day: This occurred only once 2 years ago, when a heavy rain on Sunday night filled the trashcans with water. On the Monday clean up day, the volunteer vehicles could not move heavy wet garbage and recycling, and the dump closed at 3pm. We hired a truck and moved it Tuesday morning, 12 hours late for our permit. This is a case of extenuating circumstances.
3) Parks: “Non-compliance of permitted event hours.”
Earth Day: The published park facility hours are from 7am to 10pm. We shut down main stage at dusk. We have sometimes allowed acoustic music to continue in the dome stage after dark that has never caused a noise complaint that we are aware of. There is no mention of “permitted event hours” in our permit.
4) Parks: “Allowing of unsafe vehicle access in prohibited areas during the event.”
Earth Day: Vehicles have always been out of the event area before opening ceremonies start at 10 am. Vehicles have never been allowed into the event area until after the main stage has been shut down and most of the participants have dispersed. The lower entrance (jogging trail) is used for handicap access as well as musician and vendor drop offs, as is done for every other public event held at this amphitheater. Sometimes people have parked along the jogging trail even though we post signs saying “No Parking Here”. This has never created an unsafe situation.
5) Parks: “Unauthorized addition of activities not approved by the issuing permit, such as pony rides.”
Earth Day: We have had pony rides on 3 different years under the full observation of parks officials and this is the first time anyone has called this use a problem. We see nothing in the permits or parks publications calling this use unauthorized. Our pony ride vendors all carry their own liability insurance. As a note, there were pony rides at this year’s County sponsored Ag Festival, and that did not seem to be a problem either.
6) Parks: “Applicant has used a park in a manner inconsistent with any of the information provided in the application or permit.”
Earth Day: We have clearly and consistently outlined our park use in the annual application process.
7) Parks: “Failed to satisfactorily clean or restore any park or recreational facility.”
Earth Day: In the spirit of environmentalism, we have consistently restored the park to a cleaner situation than when we found it. There has never been any lingering impact to the park with the exception of one sprinkler head being damaged one year, which our park deposit was used to pay for its repair.
The fact is that your denial of the permit to hold Earth Day at the Keopuolani Park Amphitheater is baseless, and consists of a litany of false allegations. We both know that. The truth is, the denial of the permit for the Earth Day, which has been held at the same venue for the past seven years without violation, constitutes discrimination. It is apparent that this denial decision is both politically motivated and unlawful. Thank you for listening.
Respectfully, Bruce Douglas
Director, Maui Earth Day Festival

Click to read
Enjoy this excellent and fun Promo Video of 2015 Maui Earth Day Festival
Special mahalo to Sam Small of Small Wonder Video Studios
Enjoy this Beautiful Slideshow of the 2013 Maui Earth Day Festival
by photographer Polo (aka Paul Batakis).
Polo is an excellent event photographer who captures the spirit of Earth Day on film.
Contact Polo at 573-0006 or email:
Click on image below.